Eurofins extension – Dandenong South
Extension to house new Chemical Analysis Laboratory
The new Eurofins testing laboratory extension is now well underway and on target for completion in December 2020.
Building services are at fit-off stage and will begin commissioning later this month. These services include fire protection, hydraulic, RO water, air conditioning, fume cupboards, electrical services and laboratory gases.
New cool room and stability rooms will also commence commissioning later this month ready for early handover to client to commence the room validation work for these rooms. Building finishes are also underway including vinyl floor, glazing, painting and ceiling tile installation.
We must again note it is pleasing to see how well the trades have worked safely through this COVID challenge and still managed to achieve a good rate of production on site. Credit to our great trades team and site management.
Project Manager: John Newman
Site Manager: Mark Purdy
Contract Administrator: Rachel Harrison