To complete your site-specific induction, please read the instructions below and click on the button below.

Please note that your employer will have to complete their sub-contractor pre-approval prior to you being able to carry out your personal induction.
You will be required to supply personal information relating to next-of-kin, medical conditions, white/red card, union ticket (optional), superannuation, redundancy, high-risk work licence/competency tickets, long service leave and drivers licence.

If you need further assistance contact the George Rydell office on 03 9798 1600

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George Rydell Constructions is dedicated to protecting the health, safety and welfare of our staff, contractors and other people who attend our places of work.


We strive to ensure the health and safety of the public and our clients is not put at risk by any of our work activities or practices.

We are OH&S certified in compliance with AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018 and QA certified in compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015.

Continuous improvement is a key feature of our ongoing approach to OH&S. We document, implement and monitor all our processes related to health and safety, with input from our employees, regular management review meetings and internal audits of our AS/NZS ISO: 9001-2015 Business Management System.

Environmentally sustainable

It is our company’s responsibility to protect the environment and create social value in the communities we work in. Therefore, our purpose is to deliver environmentally and socially sustainable projects that conserve our natural resources and minimise energy consumption and waste for a sustainable future.

Our Certified Environmental Management System is based on AS/NZS ISO 14001: 2015 and we are proud members of the Green Building Council of Australia.
